Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Early Pirates Reviews

With just two days to go [to Alex's birthday and Pirates Of The Carribean: At World's End's release date] reviews are starting to seep out onto the internet - most of them seem to be 3 or 4 stars out of five, so better than the second but not as good as the first. From the sound of things, the plot's set to be pretty convoluted, so try not to fall asleep in the cinema. I'm posting up a couple of links of the reviews I've found, but it's best [if you want to find an overall average] to frequently visit Rotten Tomatoes and find what that gives it. For people who don't know - Rotten Tomatoes collects all reviews together and gives a percentage of good reviews. Any percentage over 60 is classed as "fresh".

Empire Review
Times Online
Ain't It Cool News
The Mirror
Cinema Blend
SA Movie Magazine

These are all the ones I can find at the moment. When I've seen the film I'll write my own review. But for the next couple of days, these will have to do. And so, the countdown begins...

1 comment:

UnionJackson said...

i totally agree with BENs comments and i LOVES the links :D espesh THE one about STINKY film reviews....rotten tomatoes, thats the BADGER! but i do hate those ARSES over at theguradian.com AND thesun.org... they really do suck BALLS when it comes to film reviews.

Seriously, it looks really good...still not gonna be as good as the first, but has a chance to beat the second one...

Now just read the capitals ;)